Friday, February 5, 2010

I know this won't mean anything to you

But it means 4 hours and a few tears and finally getting started and maybe all this for nothing and oh well this is "experience" and damn to me.


Jeremy Bauer said...

What exactly is this?

Tyler Gobble said...


Well, it is a screenshot of the screen saying I finally passed the IRB tutorial. I am giving a presentation for the Writing Center at the East Central Writing Center Conference in April. For this, I need to do some surveys with tutors, faculty and staff. However, there is this thing called IRB which requires approval to do "research on human subjects." This includes submitting a narrative, the documents, and this tutorial. It took about 4 hours to do. Man.

Thanks for asking. I don't know if your curiosity is great enough to read that. Haha.


Jeremy Bauer said...

Definitely! That seems pretty cool, man. Look at you, all doin' stuff with your life. You're a good thing and that's a good thing.

By the way.....any openings in the Writing Center?

Tyler Gobble said...

Thanks Jeremy. That seems like a sweet thing to say.

We usually do our hiring in the Fall. Email Jackie Grutsch-McKinney (Todd's wife) if you feel like it for sure.

By the way...any openings in that cell phone to text me?

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