Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Friend of the Week: Sarah Lucas

She is new to the friend scene, but she is a good one. We bonded over the Philly trip because we are both married (not to each other), have had the same interesting Creative Writing professor, and have a tendency to curse too much. I think she wins Friend of the Week because she has been around so much recently, constantly stopping by the Writing Center to say hi or actually making plans with me. Unfortunately (for me), she starts her student teaching next semester, so the frequency will be reduced. Oh well. Sarah is a fun friend.


Sarah Lucas said...

AAAAAAAAW! That is FUCKING great. I have a blog too so I should write an entry about you. Thanks T-bone!

Tyler Gobble said...

Haha. I'm glad you like it.

Which blog of yours should I follow? You have like a zillion.

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