Sunday, December 27, 2009

Notable Cool Things I Received For Christmas

A handmade scarf, knitted by my sister-in-law Rachel
A Tom-Tom from my new parents
Scategories from my new parents
A subscription to Keyhole Magazine from my parents
A Laminar Excursion Monthly subscription from my parents
Christmas in the Heart by Bob Dylan from Zach and Sadie
The Moon and Antarctica by Modest Mouse from Sara
Lunch at Concannons from Sarah L
4 textbook sales on
An e-mail response from Matt Bell, including his commitment to this year's In Print Festival

I'm spoiled.


jnyanders said...

I got a Tom-Tom too! I'm excited about it :D

Tyler Gobble said...

Yeah, it was definitely more of a want from my wife, but it is nice to have. We have been trying to "go places" more, so that will help. I won't have to rush to the computer lab to print off mapquest.

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