Monday, January 18, 2010

First Semester Reflection

The new semester started last week, but this isn't about that.

I'm going to miss my Poetry (ENG 308) class taught by the wonderful Peter Davis. I finally feel confident sharing my stuff, thanks in large part to this class.

Joe Cermak was in that class with me. He also "pushed" me to share my work. He is currently one of my favorite people in the world.

I'm already missing the built-in time with Jordan Pridemore. We had a three hour (!!!) class together, usually preceded by some dinner/talk time.

I'm not going to miss my two education classes. I'm still thinking the major switch was a great idea.

I feel like I finally know how to read. Thanks, Rai Peterson.

Last semester, the writing center hired some new tutors I didn't mesh with well. Last semester, I think I worked with all of them. This semester, I think I work with all of them, but this isn't about that.

Writers Community went really well, highlighted with a superb Writers Gala and the first Faculty Reading. If nothing else, I've made more friends. We all need friends, I think.

The Gobbles made it through their first semester as a married couple and we only killed each other twice.

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