Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Okay, it is not much of a project exactly. This little notebook was given to me for free at the NCTE Conference this year. It is a unique piece of advertisement for a classroom publishing book. I've been meaning to write in it since I got it. It is really quite nice with its white pages and cardboard cover.

I want to put my words and doodles and lists in it. This idea came to me last night or maybe last Tuesday. But I do that to everything anyways (old homework assignments, junk mail envelopes, white boards).

Then, it came to me. Ah-ha! I'll fill this thing in a short period of time and I will raffle it off to my Facebook friends.

So here is what I'm going to do:
Over the next day, I will fill this notebook with my lists, some poems, awful drawings, and hot babes' telephone numbers.
Then, I'll post a link (similar to this blog post) for my Facebook pals to "Like."
I'll then "randomly" select one to receive it.

My hopes:
More than one, two, or three people "Like" this idea.

If 17 or more people do it, I'll give a runner-up prize or something.

I'm not saying that it is going to be cool, like this mustache I grew once...


jnyanders said...


But that 'stache is disturbing lol.

Tyler Gobble said...


And thanks. It never saw public eye. No fear.

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