Thursday, May 13, 2010


On Tuesday, Sara, Darrin, and I went to Boxcar Books. I've known about Boxcar for awhile, but this was my first visit. Woah. I was super stoked about the variety of zines, books, and mags/journals. I bought two cool things and held about a milllllion more.

I love riding my bike, but I suck with maintenance and general knowledge. I found this cool pamphlet called a rough guide to bicycle maintanence. It has cool things like how to change a flat and how to do a tune-up. I shouted "sold!" when I saw this sweet diagram of a bike, with lingo I can drop at my next bike party.

This is a nice journal (6x6) I bought on a whim. Never heard of it, but I was impressed with the layout (6x6!, rubber band bookmark, crisp pages) and title (I was ashamed of the poems, and still I'm ashamed, which comes from the first poem). After reading it, I'm impressed by the majority of the poems (especially the sections by lucy ives and kevin varrone).

Very Good Finds On A Very Good Trip!

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