Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Sentence About A Sentence I Love

The Big Other, a fantastic literary blog, has been running this series of guest posts where a writer posts a sentence they love from a story/poem and contribute a sentence of commentary on that sentence.

Here are some of my favorites:
Scott Garson on Barthelme
Lily Hoang on Saramago
J.A. Tyler on Markus
Jen Michalski on Johnson
Matt Bell on Cooper

These posts rule because of the care they take to look at one sentence.
Good sentences rule because of the care they take to be one awesome sentence, either in the text or even removed.

I find myself loving these posts because of 1) my fascination with what other people are thinking and 2) my love of individual words.

Here is my own:

"All I ever wanted was to know what to do."
— Dave Eggers (You Shall Know Our Velocity!)

Eggers, for me at my stage as a person, has a way of saying what I want to say, placing it in a relatable story, and delivering myself to me disguised in a beautiful little package, as this sentence shows.

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