Proud Flesh by Husband&Wife: From their first self-titled album to this latest album, Husband&Wife has progressed as smoothly and melodically as any band I've ever heard. I was hesitant to put this one on the list since it's so new, but 1) I didn't feel like Dark, Dark Woods has the constant effect on me needed to be on this list and 2) this is already my favorite H&W release. YOU SHOULD TOTALLY SEE SARA AND I SING THIS ALBUM. CUTEZ.
Rock N' Soul Pt. I by Hall and Oates: I like to BOOGIE. It feels nice.
Nothing Feels Good by The Promise Ring: No singer seems more approachable on an album that Davey Von Bohlen on this release. Start to finish, this album taught me the power of a voice in art, whether it be music or otherwise.
Stale Champagne by State Champion: Another newer album, but in my unorganized mind-list of favorite albums, this one keeps climbing. If jangled into music, I feel like this is what my two families sound like smashed together. Also, some of the best rock n' roll lyrics I've ever heard.
Nouns by No Age: When I bought this album at VGR, I had settled into this groove of just listening to music I already knew and my friends bands. This album got me rejuvenated about the music being made today.
Recovery by Away With Vega: YOU WANNA SEE ME REALLY STOKED? LISTEN TO THIS WITH ME. This album taught me how to be comfortable with getting excited about things.
Life But No More by Frank Schweikhardt: This album taught me to calm down and relax and listen. I haven't heard a better album to listen to when talking to buds.
Turn It Around by Comeback Kid: Sometimes, this is the only record I'll listen to at the gym. Pure energy and heart.
Slippery When Wet by Bon Jovi: I'm not joking when I say I like this album. I've never heard BIG ROCK music that sounds this close to cool. "Livin' On A Prayer" is one song I wish every band would cover.
Do You Know Who You Are? by Texas Is The Reason: I like fuzz and cool lyrics and pounding drums. PERFECT. I bought this on the first trip Sara and I took together like four years ago, so it's always a nice reminder.
Post Nothing by Japandroids: Another newer one. Another mind-list climber. THIS IS ARM SHAKIN' MUSIC. These songs are also attached to Tyler F. in my mind which makes them extra important.
Full Collapse by Thursday: The first band that I listened to with a girl. The first album I listened to when that girl broke up with me. The first album I go to when I wanna feel 15 again. IT HAPPENS AND THAT IS OKAY.
The Very Best of The Temptations: The soundtrack to my childhood oddly enough. The unity in the singing is still extraordinary to me. So many memories of trying to sing these songs with my dad on the way to hunting and fishing trips.
The Things We Carry by Have Heart: I have to be careful listening to this in public. I start shouting and stage diving off benches.
That Within Blood Ill-Tempered by Shai Hulud: When I need a reminder that loud can be beautiful, this is my go-to album.
The Moon and Antartica by Modest Mouse: I'm a sucker for quirky lyrics and wacky music. BOOYEAH. My go-to shower album.
Check Your Head by The Beastie Boys: I bought this album for four dollars, new, at a closing FYE like four or five years ago. I don't know if a week goes by without listening to it. I love how the sillyness can come through as cool. LESSON THERE.
Red Light District by Ludacris: I'm a big fan of association and Ludacris is the master. EXAMPLE:
Causin lyrical disasters, it's the master
Make music for Mini-Me's, models and Fat Bastards
These women tryin to get me out my Pelle Pelle
They strip off my clothes and tell me, "Get in my belly!"
Clarity by Jimmy Eat World: There is a perfect time/place/weather for this album that I just know when it's hear and that experience is something like meditation or yoga or other things that sound good for me but I can't do. Also, this album will always be the link that started my friendship with Layne.
We Make Our Own Luck by In The Face Of War: Another favorite shower album. MAY 7th will be ITFOW's last show, but this album has enough heart and punch to last me awhile.
The Sky Stared Down With Angry Clouds by Fire When Ready: The first time I saw Fire When Ready, I was like they are okay. A year later, I saw them again and was like WHAT WERE YOU THINKING DUDE THEY TOTALLY RULE. And then they broke up. This album is a reminder of how silly I can be when I'm paying more attention to babes than art.
I like to think that I am at least somewhat knowledgeable about music. I know maybe %0.02 of these artists. You make me feel old.
Ha. Don't worry about it, buddy. As hinted in the No Age writing, I'm easily lost in the mid-90's, my friends' bands or nostalgic music of my teenage/childhood years.
If you check any of these bands out, let me know. I'd love to hear your reaction.
I'm considerable "out of the loop" with a lot of my friends' favorite music, too.
That's the nice thing about doing a list like this and reading them too: sharing.
Hope you are well.
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