Thursday, September 27, 2012


I've always been an Aviar guy, more because that's how it's always been, an Aviar in my first starter kit, a heavier one I picked up in my first order, an aviar as a present from a friend. Certainly, I like it, three of them in my bag, love how I can make them swoosh through the air, anywhichaway I imagine. But they were getting whooped, scuffed and sliced, unable to handle much force (lately I've been a POWPOW kind of putterguy).

Couple weeks ago, my putts dead-birding through the air in league play, it was time for a new putter. So was I gonna grab another Aviar? Maybe, but planned to grab one a bit heavier than the mid-160s I'd been tossing around for years, maybe in a Pro plastic to hopefully hold onto that groove it gave.

Then, out of the chatter I'd been hearing the last year playing in Elwood, ooooooh Gateway the putter factory extraordinaire, I threw a couple types--Voodoos, Wizards, Warlocks--real magic shit, right? And then a round I threw the Wizard, wow, that was a putter that "got me," that handles how I like to move it move it, even at that mid-160s weight.

Fate right, haha fate, as another friend had a Wizard, unpopped, that he was willing to sell, stamped for this past Amateur Championships, and I was like okay I'll give it a try. And boy oh boy, though idk how it'll handle broken in/whopped up against Elwood's tree haven, it sure does handle my googly arms, how I whip the putter straight and zoom. I've never been one to use a putter to drive short holes or even zig-zag trees, and this disc as well as it handles will probably stay my go-to gottasinkthis putter. Maybe later I'll let it launch a bit, HOW YOU LIKE THAT, but for now, I'll hold onto that chalky goodness as long as I can. 

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