Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Reading Tomorrow Night

Again, I'm reading tomorrow night. Again, cooler people than me will be there.

I was asked to submit a bio. I don't have much to work with. I gave them options. We all need options.

Tyler Gobble is a junior Creative Writing major. He is also a maker of big decisions. Take today for instance, he probably chose between a turkey sandwich or chicken noodle soup for lunch. Not convinced? He decided to get married last May. If he is up here in a few seconds reading his poems, then he decided to do that as well.

Or this:

Tyler Gobble is a junior Creative Writing major. He is currently in the process of growing a ponytail. He is the proud owner of a cat named Scattie Pippen. His favorite books included Birdhouse by Ryan Rader and The Collected Poems of Joe Cermak.

Or this:

Tyler Gobble is a Tyler Gobble is a Tyler Gobble is a Tyler Gobble.


Anonymous said...

I like the first one the best by far. Use the first one. Also, I think you are the coolest of all the people reading tomorrow.

Tyler Gobble said...

I think I like the first one the best I think too. However, the more I think about the third one I like it too. The second one is probably the most accurate as far as a bio though.

Well thank you for that complement. I think Joe Cermak is the coolest reader tomorrow night.

Tyler Gobble said...

Oh and I gave Jared Sexton the option of picking one. We'll see what he says.

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