Thursday, April 15, 2010

National Record Store Day(s)

Saturday is National Record Store Day, like a holiday or something. Village Green Records, our beloved local treasure, is having a two-day mega show in celebration. Thank you, VGR. Dude Clark is coming to hang out and eat food (!) and bob heads to jams tomorrow. Sara got tomorrow off work, down with the man style, and is going. Elysia is getting her first NRSD taste. Zach will probably spend his paycheck on new-to-him albums. Oh, it will be fun.

This whole list of bands rules. Particularly excited for Seedy Seeds again. Also, I've never seen Support the Troopz. I hear I'll be offended; I doubt it. Still seems strange to me that In The Face Of War isn't playing. Still, I'm stoked.

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