Monday, June 14, 2010

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly of Tyler Summer So Far

The Good
1 Year Anniversary and Trip to Brown County including 4 hiking trails, 3 Goodwills, 2 disc golf courses, and 1 winery
Canterbury Effect/Handbook For William Reunion Show in Bloomington including a fun late night at Clark's, Zach's first Bloomington experience, and the return of Kailee Cooper to my life.
Poems accepted by: 13 Myna Birds,, and Novelletum.
Reviews accepted by: Southeast Review and Otoliths
The already completion of my goal to play 5 new disc golf courses (make that 6 man): Matter Park, Sherwood Oaks, Karst Farms, George Washington Parks, Dillon Park (twice!), and Eastgate.
I've been spending a good amount of quality time with some newer friends: Ashley, Jeremy, Ryan, Amanda, Amber.
Rodeo Ruby Love CD release show!
Job at the Writing Center has been both fun and productive.
Sara's been playing disc golf twice a week with me.
Tennis with Zach
A really cool double disc golf/dinner date with Sarah and Aaron Lucas
I've been playing basketball with Sarah once a week.
Cody's Birthday Party was rad.
According to Goodreads, I've read or am in the middle of 21 books so far this summer (mostly poetry collections).
Weekly poetry talks with Todd

The Bad
I have yet to see Darrin or Elysia this summer.
I didn't get to see Cara on my last Bloomington trip.
I've lost two of my favorite distance drivers this summer.
We haven't really gotten to spend enough quality double date time with Zach and Sadie (besides the Bloomington trip).
Job as a tour guide has been both unreliable and lame.
I've gotten about 15 rejections for poems, 3 for fiction pieces, and 5 for reviews.
Awkward run-ins with old friend Joe

The Ugly

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