Thursday, July 14, 2011

I remembers...

Continuing my tribute to my students during my internship with the Writers Center, here are some "I remembers." Yesterday, we had the final celebration for one of the sites, and it was fantastic. Layne ruled the books the students created (hopefully a picture soon) and the kids were really enthusiastic about seeing the book and reading from it. Very cool.

I remember Bailey and her boobs and hours watching crappy TV and couch sitting.
I remember learning to love couch sitting and porch sitting and roof sitting with Cody.
I remember debating whether or not to drive to Indy for Cody's birthday party.
I remember getting lost with Sara on the way there and one of my happiest memories being when she led us home in a rainstorm.
I remember Sara asking me how the NBA Draft works.
I remember loving the NBA Draft and my high school friends watching it to please me and how I didn't understand why they did that.
I remember chicken subs with Sara by the duck pond.
I remember the different between sleeping in a twin bed alone and sleeping in a twin bed with someone else.
I remember the glow of left behind stars on the ceiling of my freshman dorm room and the odd surprise it gave me.
I remember ping pong with Zach and Mickey and Haven.
I remember that lame-o tennis player that lived below me.
I remember freshman year tennis club.
I remember late night walks down the cowpath with Sara.

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